Kemi Iruwa

Using explorations of artistry and creativity to uncover unique stories and to enrich communities.

About Me

At my core, I am an individual who is interested in telling stories by any means from written media to film and documentary. I enjoy all the stages that are involved in conveying an idea or concept whether it be a campaign or an in-store activation.

With experience in journalism, social media and corporate communications I use my skills in digital technologies and multimedia functions to meticulously convey interesting and important stories.

As the founder of RUWA Studios I leverage the skills that I have been empowered with in my journey so far to create narratives that explore stories of individuals who's artistry belong in the mainstream and invite others into a space that encourages knowledge exchange.


3 Black Art exhibitions to visit post-BHM

Black History in the UK takes centre stage every October, during which various events and cultural activities are held in celebration of Black people’s work while drawing attention to more serious topics. It is an opportunity to learn more about important figures in Black history and to hear about emerging names especially within the context of artistry.

However, the end of October does not have to mean the end of our interest in Black creativity until next year. There are always a multitude of showcases and events happening, albeit they may become less visible.

Issue XII - TJ Sawyerr

With a broad world view and a creative perspective that merges with youth and life experiences to produce art and media across a range of formats, TJ Sawyerr is making his way and leaving his stamp wherever he can. The multi-hyphenate creative is using his unique working style as well as his understanding of his inspirations and experiences to bring a meticulous and detailed approach to the industry. He shows resilience in his avoidance of being held back by external pressures and biases against his viewpoints, rather subverting expectation and presenting more efficient styles of operating - improving the quality of media output while evading any losses of meaning or story-telling.

Issue XII - Salomé Gomis-Trezise

As the new year and the general air of reflectiveness that comes about during such a time go on, there is a thought that continues to be raised and explored among creatives. ‘It is a great time to be young’. In many cases this is wholly untrue, from increasing difficulty in the potential for becoming homeowners to feeling like our societies’ governing bodies are poor representatives of youthful populations, this thought seems somewhat naïve and maybe even misinformed. At the same time, there exists a growing number of young creatives who are using their unique perspectives to produce and contribute to narratives in contemporary and unorthodox ways – sometimes, without the help of more experienced hands. Thus, creating a need for self-sufficiency and resilience in current times.

ISSUE XI: Issac Andrews

Empowering and representing oneself as an individual has become increasingly popular especially among young creatives. Isaac Andrews’ (unceasing) story is proof that having the passion to try can build enough momentum to reach the destinations that we envision. Or, just send us down a path that might get us there. For Isaac, art has acted as a light that has pulled him out of times of darkness and he hopes to remind people of the importance of acknowledging this darkness through his own art.